There is a lot of software for creating impressive presentations. Most of them are packed with tools and features that help individuals/businesses, create great-looking and unique slides.
Although images make for an excellent presentation, the choice of typography is essential to make the presentation engaging.
There are many benefits to having an excellent presentation, such as:
Helps to explain a complicated idea
Makes sure your performance is memorable
Convince potential customers to purchase a product
Helps assure your team on a course of action
And so on.
To have a great presentation, we will be sharing five tips on how to use typography to your advantage to enhance your presentation.
Your Choice of Font
Creating a presentation that will keep your audience captivated requires that you make use of visually exciting. Before choosing a font, you have to take into consideration the demographics of individuals you will be presenting to. For example, if you are presenting to a younger audience, you will have to make use of fonts that have simple letterforms. On the other hand, fonts that are clean, edgy, and modern are more appropriate for a more mature audience.
The Size Of The Font
The size of the font you use is essential in making your audience pay attention to your presentation. If you make use of a font smaller than size twelve (12), it will be difficult for your audience to read carefully, especially if the presentation is being shared with a large audience.
Font sizes that make for better reading are between sixteen (16) and eighteen (18), which will ensure that your audience does not struggle to read your text in order to understand the message you are trying to pass.

You can also make use of the Font size to highlight specific keywords and ideas in the text, which makes for better typography in your slides. It is best to use large fonts when preparing your presentation slides. You must ensure that you make use of bold headlines so they can grab the attention of the reader. Therefore, if your body copy is between size sixteen (16) and eighteen (18), you must ensure that your headline should be between twenty (20) to twenty-four (24) font size.
Text Contrast
Text contrast is essential in making your slides look better. When you combine bold text and thin text, your presentation will have a more beautiful look that will keep your audience captivated. Text contrast is also the right way of illustrating different ideas in a single slide.
Combining Big sized fonts alongside small fonts is another way of making your slides look better, or show various features in ideas.

If you also want to show differences between ideas, using two different colors is another easy way to create contrast in your slides. If the background of the slide is lemon, using font colors like black and blue will be very good in highlighting the idea that you are trying to pass across in a slide. Another way to aid text contrast is by combining different font types.
Pay Attention To Character And Line Spacing
What character spacing does mostly is adjusting the space between your characters, while line spacing changes the space between your lines. A proper character spacing will help your text get a whole new look. Making use of loose character spacing gives a fresh and neat look to your text as well as evoking a feeling of openness. While making use of tight spacing is perfect for headlines and logos because they give a bold look.
Line spacing, on the other hand, helps in creating a good looking typography. If you want your text to be easily read, it is best you opt for a line spacing of one point one (1.1) to one point five (1.5). This will allow your text to breathe as well as opening it up.
Be Consistent
One of the essential rules of design is ensuring that you maintain consistency no matter the medium of expression. You must ensure that you stick with whichever way you choose to design your master template throughout the entire presentation. This means that if you decide twenty-four (24) - point Montserrat for the Headline font, and eighteen (18) -point Gothic as the body font, you must ensure that you continue with this combination throughout the presentation. It is also essential that you keep the consistency in terms of text positioning as well.
If you also make use of interesting bullet points in one place in the presentation, you must ensure that when next you make use of a bullet point, it will also be the colorful one you previously used.
As much as these tips are essential in improving the typography of your slides, an excellent translation service like Google translate, or The Word Point helps you reach a broader audience.
Some other tip to follow while creating a good slide is ensuring that you do not make use of old boring bullet points. Most presentation software is equipped with tools that allow for a variety of pre-installed symbols as well as enabling you to import graphics, which could be used as your bullet points. This will further add beauty to your presentation slides.
Another tip is ensuring that you do not get too fancy with your choice of fonts. Although we earlier noted that playing with boring fonts can help them look better, but getting all fancy with your font selection can end up ruining the look of your work. Therefore, it is essential that you make use of standard fonts like Montserrat, Century Gothic, Arial, Verdana, and Trebuchet.
The reason why you should use only these standard fonts is that there is a possibility that when you send your work to another computer, it may not have the font installed, which can become a problem.
With these tips, you will realize that giving an excellent presentation is not an easy task; it takes skill as well as hard work. However, if you follow these tips judiciously, and you are sure to get an outstanding looking presentation every time.
About the author:
Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.