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Gorgeous PowerPoint Presentations You Have To See

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Business meeting room PowerPoint presentation with audience

Presentations have always been an important part of any business because they are meant to convey the essence of a project proposal or the ideas that need to be communicated. Consequently, software for presentations has been in demand ever since its invention with PowerPoint being the leader in this niche.

However, creating beautiful presentations is not always easy, especially if you are new to PowerPoint. Hence, here are three gorgeous PowerPoint presentations you have to see to get inspired and motivated to create your own presentation.

1. "The Search for Meaning in B2B Marketing" by Velocity Partners

This presentation from Doug Kessler, the co-founder of Velocity Partners, is wonderfully done with a unique notebook-like design. It focuses on personality and self-reflection making it one of the best examples of how to use presentations for personal purposes. Pay attention to its original look which sets it apart from thousands of other presentations.

Though the design is fairly uniform, the text stands out profoundly. It’s a combination of Courier New font and an imitation of a handwritten font done differently on various pages. This mix of fonts allows the presentation to stay fresh even when you are dozens of slides in. Moreover, the text is minimal which allows the presentation to be more dynamic.

Note how some words in the presentation are specifically brought attention to because they are important. Doing this helps you keep the focus on the key pieces of information. It can be especially helpful when you have bigger chunks of text that you simply can’t shorten. The audience can be lost in it, so it’s definitely worth making some phrases bold or italicized.

Another aspect to pay attention to are the images in this presentation. There are not too many of them, but they always appear to be hand-drawn which fits the notebook theme amazingly well. In some places, they are just small symbolic additions to the text that prevents the words from looking too plain or simplistic.

The bigger images we see are those of people. All of them are done in a realistic or semi-realistic style – in fact, they are actually sketches of people rather than actual drawings. Such sketches are definitely something you’d see in a notebook which is exactly why they are placed here. For your own presentation, you need to find a certain style and stick to it.

2. "How to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice" by MarketingProfs

Next, we have this MarketingProfs presentation with hand-drawn slides that is both unique and personal. In addition to that, it doesn’t just focus on one person but rather tells the story of a whole company through a very simple but original storytelling method. It’s interesting how the presentation’s topic is directly related to its own theme!

Like the previous presentation, it is fairly simple and even somewhat minimalistic. It also has a uniform style that doesn’t change until the very end of the presentation. Once again, it is extremely important that you define what your presentation will look like early on and stick to that. This is why PowerPoint offers preset themes to choose from, though creating your own is definitely better for branding.

What’s interesting in this presentation is that the background is kept completely plain and simple – it’s just white like a regular piece of paper would be. This way, the background doesn’t make the colorful hand-drawn images and text to become too textured. If the background was colorful or even just checkered or lined, the effect would be completely different.

The colors chosen for the drawings are also toned down which prevents them from seeming too bright against the white backdrop. Moreover, the line art is thick enough to be visible and to define the silhouettes better. The use of black pink instead of blue makes the images look cleaner and doesn’t set off the colors that are used in the drawings themselves.

Note how text is given in short snippets with only a phrase placed on a single slide sometimes. In addition to that, a good portion of the text is done in thicker colors too, just like the drawings. This makes it work much better with the drawings though plain handwritten text looks good too.

3. "Digital, Social & Mobile in 2015" by We Are Social

Last but not least, this lengthy but very efficient presentation from We Are Social is the perfect example of how to use statistics effectively. It places small pieces of information on every slide preferring graphs, pie charts, and infographics instead of plain text which allows the audience to understand the data easier.

Like with the first two, this presentation relies on smaller pieces of information that are easier to process for the audience. If you are used to writing longer texts, perhaps it will be better for you to hire a professional writer from a custom writing reviews site like Best Writers Online who is used to creating smaller snippets of text.

It’s interesting how this presentation is much longer than a regular presentation (376 slides long!), but this doesn’t prevent it from being engaging. Of course, it’s probably better to refrain from making extremely lengthy presentations, but if you do end up with a long one, make sure that your slides contain minimal information to make it more dynamic.

Pay attention to the slides that divide this presentation into corresponding sections. They only have a symbol and a title, but they allow the presentation to be more structured which is crucial for delivering information better. Because this presentation is full of visual statistics, the presenter will probably have to talk a lot, so such “dividers” are quite welcome.

Bonus Presentations

If you still feel that you need a little bit more inspiration, here are a few more bonus PowerPoint presentations that could be useful.

“Build A Better Entrepreneur Pitch Deck” by Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation

This presentation is not as long as most on this article, but it definitely stand out. It looks modern and professional while using photos from its creators to showcase the inner life of a company.

“Eco-nomics: The Hidden Costs of Consumption” by Josh Beatty

This illustrated presentation uses basic storytelling techniques to deliver powerful moments and get its message across. Moreover, information is given in small pieces allowing for the presenter to talk more and read less.

“10 Powerful Body Language Tips for Your Next Presentation” by SOAP

This presentation is about… giving presentations! It has a minimalistic design revealing information bit by bit without overloading the audience. In addition to that, the key phrases are enlarged to keep the accent on them.

Final Thoughts

All in all, PowerPoint, is definitely one of the most powerful tools you should start using as soon as possible if you want to make your presentations look stunning. Look at the presentations in this article and get inspired!

About the author:

Nancy P. Howard has been working as a journalist at an online magazine in London for a year. She is also a professional writer for writing services review site Online Writers Rating in such topics as blogging, IT and marketing. She loves travelling, photography and is always welcome to meet new people.

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